Join us August 2nd at 10am when we'll be hosting Dave Ames our Newton sales rep in our Community room where he'll be teaching a Natural Form Running Clinic.
The three keys to Natural Form Running are:
1. Posture: Find your proper posture by standing straight and tall, relaxing your shoulders, and looking to the horizon.
2. Position: Level your hips and slightly flex your knees and ankles. Relax your arms and bend them 45 to 90 degrees at the elbow.
3. Cadence: Run in place, with your feet landing as close to your body as possible. Notice how you land relaxed and use your whole foot. Your stride with lengthen as you increase speed, but your cadence should be between 170 and 190 steps/minute for most running speeds. Stride lengthens with improved core strength and stability.
We hope to see you there!