Trot That Turkey Off


So I thought I'd take a minute and write about the infamous Turkey Trot. A lot of people participate and there are numerous strategies to approach the Thanksgiving run. I'll share mine with you and while you may not really care what I do on Thanksgiving, maybe just maybe, it will kill a few minutes for you...


The very best way to attack the Turkey Trot is to sign up for one a little later in the morning. Why? Because its a holiday. Nobody gets up early on a holiday...unless you're five and its Christmas. Its Thanksgiving, spend time with your family, even if that time is sleeping at home. No but seriously, 11am is probably the earliest you should run. Sleep my friends, enjoy the holiday. 

5k Race

Keeping with the lazy holiday theme, my approach is a 5k should be the farthest you run that day. Even if you're not going to make it out to a turkey trot, run 3.1 miles. You may see a few five milers out there or a half marathon (what? no way) take my advice stick to the 5k. You've got so much food to eat and there are only so many minutes in a day. Hit that 5k then get yourself home ASAP.


Even if you're a vegetarian and don't plan on eating Turkey, Thanksgiving is about indulging, in food, family and hopefully not political talk (steer clear of that!). Now that you've crushed your 5k you can indulge guilt free. Yup as you're piling those sweet potatoes high and the other family members are judging you...let em know..."I'm good, I ran a 5k this morning". Enjoy your food a little bit more than those who did not run. 

Feet Up

Put those feet up my friends. We've successfully made it through our Thanksgiving with a little exercise, a lot of eating and hopefully no politics. Maybe flip on a football game or fire up a little conversation with the fam and do not, under any circumstance go shopping on Thanksgiving! 

See you on the Rhode! 


Bob Bischoff1 Comment