Who's that handsome devil in the pink hat?
We have no doubt that you will be successful out there on the course...buuut here at the Rhode we want to give you as many tools and tips as we can. I've been through quite a few races, from 400meters on up to the Marathon, below are a few tips I've picked up along the way.
For those of you who have joined us for our Destination Runs you know just what the Gaspee Days 5k or Monster Dash 5k looks like. With that in mind we can plan our race accordingly, we know not to get carried away during the first few miles as we'll need something in the tank for the way back. Previewing your race course is a huge advantage, you'll know when you need to make a move, conserve energy or start that sprint finish. I've been on the wrong end of knowing the course a few times and one in particular stung pretty bad, ask me about it at the next group run.
Not that comfortable. This relates more with what you are going to wear on raceday, maybe you got a new Rhode Runner Singlet, or a pair of shorts or shoes you'd like to wear during the race, be sure to test them out before hand. If its a new pair of shoes you'll want to get a few miles on them to get that insole molded to your foot. Make sure singlets, shorts or socks do not chafe or rub as that will lead to blisters or soreness. Ideally you're not thinking about your shoes or gear, they just go away. You've got enough to worry about.
Rain? Snow? Sleet? Hail? Sometimes its difficult to know exactly what the weather will do (Blessing of the Fleet anyone???) but do your best to be prepared. If there is rain in the forecast you'll be begging for a fresh pair of socks after the race, throw a set in your bag. If you've got another set of shoes bring those along as well. If its snowing or cold be sure to dress for 20 degrees warmer than it is outside, you'll be a little chilly before you warmup but you won't be bogged down with too many layers.
It's getting a little cooler these days but hydration should still be top of mind for runners. Remember to continue hydrating even when the weather cools down. Prepare yourself by drinking enough before hand, this will vary but a general rule of thumb is 16 oz before hand and if you're going long have a drink every 20-30 minutes. Afterward have a Nuun or sports drink to replace the electrolytes you'll use up during your effort. Do not wait until you are thirsty to grab a drink, its already too late.
This is another section that will vary depending on who's reading it. For most of us its a good idea to include some high-carb foods the days leading up to your event think bagels, pasta, rice, cereal etc...Your goal, eat foods that are high in carbs, moderate in protein and low in fat. The morning of your race you'll want to stick with what you've done throughout the week leading up, I'll usually roll with a bagel and peanut butter with some coffee and water.
I'll write that again. RUN YOUR OWN RACE. Its super important not to get caught up in what everyone else is doing. You've put in the work, you know your strengths and weaknesses, you know that you've been crushing the Speed Run on Tuesday so that finishing kick will be there. You know you've hit the hill on Rochambeau every Wednesday so you can cruise up the hills in your race, do not let anyone dictate what you want to do. Stay within yourself, be aware of your surroundings but run the race on your own terms.
And last but certainly not least,
We'll see you out on the Rhode!
Eric Lonergan