(As seen through the eyes of a 9 year-old)
This is a transcription of a book about running, written by 9 year-old Margo D’Arcy. Yes, Margo is one of Mary’s two daughters and someone whom, much like her mom, was born with a gift for running! For this Coach’s Corner I wanted to share this book with you all because Margo is also a true ambassador for the sport. Take a look at how a 9 year-old views this great sport of ours and how she breaks it all down for us.
By Margo D’Arcy
Have you been dying to learn about running? If you have, this is the book for you. This book includes: details, info and facts. This book is for anyone who wants to learn about running. Running is a fun way to exercise. I bet you’ll learn a lot. So get reading!
This is you getting ready to read this book.
When you start running you are going to need gear. Here are some types of gear. Water bottle belts are useful. Water bottle belts are running belts that have pockets with little water bottles that fit inside.
When you buy running shoes (hence running shoes!) you want running shoes, not cleats nor basketball shoes, you want running sneakers. You don’t want basketball shoes because you will roll your ankle. Same with cleats.
Instead of wearing tight fitting clothes you should wear stretchy clothes not stiff. You should wear stretchy clothes because you won’t be able to run in stiff tight clothes.
If you have long hair you will need to use hair ties. You’ll need hair ties because if your hair flops in your eyes you won’t be able to see where you’re running.
You probably are thinking, “Where do I get all this stuff?” I have the answer. Sport stores! I will list some stores: Sports Authority (she wrote this before they went broke), Runner’s World (it would be a cool name for a running store!) and Dick’s Sporting Goods. You can also get these things at Rhode Runner!!! (I swear I didn’t ask her to write that). That is all the equipment you need. Run Free!
If you’ve been waiting to learn about what you do when getting ready for a race this is the chapter for you. Let’s get down to business! What do I eat before a race? Have you ever heard of carbo loading? If not I’ll tell you! Carbo loading means eating nutritiouse [sic] foods before a race, because if you eat and drink sugar foods you will get hyper. You don’t want to get hyper because you will have a sugar crash. A sugar crash is when you feel energetic but you are wasting energy. After a teensy bit you feel tired, weighed down and you won’t meet your goal.
Here are some nutritiouse [sic] foods you could eat: oatmeal, spagettie [sic], rice, whole grains, fruit and veggies. Did I mention that you eat all of this a day before your race? Don’t eat it right before your race or you will get a cramp. If you stretch before your race your legs won’t be stiff.
Running is a great skill. Running is just like any other exercise. Runners build strong leg muscles by running hard and exercising. Did you know that running is an Olympic sport? It is! Running can benefit you in different ways. At most races you get a medal if you finish or win. Running is hard but once you get the hang of it it’s easy.
A lady enjoying a morning run. This could be you!
When you’re running hard you’re probably trying to beat someone. Someone you’re trying to beat is called a competitor. To beat your competitor you’ll need these tips:
Start off slow if you’re running a long distance because soon your competitor will get tired and slow down. This is your chance to get ahead of your competitor, strive to meet your goal and finish.
You run ahead of your competitor. He/she charges to get in front of you but fails. You look back, your competitor’s face is beet red. You turn the corner...surprise! You see the finish line. You run your heart out. Yay! You’ve won!
Thank you for reading this book. I hope your next race is successful!
Nutrisouse [sic]: Nutritious food are good for your health.
- Competitor: Someone you’re competing against.
As you can see, the questions we have about running and the way we look at our wonderful sport is not all that different from the way a 9 yr. old would look at it. It can be a complicated sport, but at the very root of it, our sport is simple. As Margo says, "running is hard but once you get the hang of it it’s easy.”
Well done, Margo, well done!!!
About the Author:
Margo D’Arcy is a 4th grader at the Peace Dale Elementary School in Peace Dale, RI. In addition to running, she can be found playing some tenacious defense on the basketball court, her other passion. Margo is also a member of Girls On The Run and has even run in a few road races.