Fall Running Essentials
It just feels like Fall outside doesn't it? The weather is cool and crisp the light seems to be disappearing and the calendar is chock full of races to take part in. Have no fear, you can still keep that running routing rolling with some essentials to make this Fall the best one yet.
Email, Video, Web and yup Running, those cellphones of ours are super useful even when we're out on the Rhode logging some miles. We're always getting questions about how to carry phones when out there running, there are a ton of great shorts/pants that have pockets designed for phones. But we find the best option is an arm holder, so you can actually use your phone. The Amphipod armpod is one of the most versatile and super comfy armbands out there. There are a ton of great apps on your phone can help you track distance and timers can help with intervals or circuit exercises. Another awesome tool is a running calculator this can help you find a pace that is comfortable and help you reach your training goals. Garmin GPS watches are phenomenal at keeping you on pace and are filled with a ton of features like heart rate on the wrist, cadence, distance, pace and you can even receive phone notifications...talk about jam-packed! Ever been caught out on a run super thirsty and realized you forgot to drink! Heres a tip from Coach E...set a timer to remind you when to take a sip.
This guy
Loves hats.
Fall can get a little wet, make sure to snag a nice durable rain jacket. We'll be recieving the new Canopy Jacket from Brooks very soon in the Nightlife color to kill two birds with one stone. It's water-resistant and super visible and reflective. If you tend to run in the morning or evening invest in some bright clothing or lights. Layering up is key for chilly days. If you only have enough to purchase one item, the half-zip is it. It’s versatile enough to wear on its own and when it cools down you can layer underneath or over top. You'll always see me out there rocking a hat as well, these are super helpful when its really bright and when its real rainy, now that's versatile. This season you'll see a ton of awesome running shoes that let your feet breathe but provide enough protection from the weather and its many elements. Rhode Runner will help guide you along towards that perfect set of kicks.
Stretching and warming up is essential. An article on Runner's World recently stated that static stretching before a run can actually cause damage to the tissue. Stick to dynamic stretches before you run they will help improve your range of motion and loosen your muscles up. Here's another tip from Coach E, get yourself a yoga mat you can use inside every day indoors and when the Fall dew is heavy you can throw it down outside to prevent your clothes from getting damp. Equipment like foam rollers decrease injury during your run or other exercises. Rollers increase blood flow and flexibility.
We think that Fall is literally the best time to get out for a run so why not make this Fall the best one yet! If you ever have any questions do not hesitate to reach out.
Coach Eric